How conversion value increased by 56% with Google Ads for Opera Australia
How conversion value increased by 56% with Google Ads for Opera Australia

How conversion value increased by 56% with Google Ads for Opera Australia

About Opera Australia

Opera Australia

Opera Australia relies on Google Ads to drive ticket sales. The organisation has multiple Ads accounts, one of which is a specialty Google Ad Grants account, which provides free advertising within certain constraints and performance requirements.

To maximise the value provided by the Ad Grants account, Reef performed a complete rebuild that:

  • Increased the total value of conversions by 55.8%
  • Lifted clicks by 10.7%
  • Raised click-through-rate by 4.8%

The Challenge:

Raise awareness and drive conversions through Google Ad Grants

Opera Australia set Reef a clear challenges comprising three components. These were:

  • Raise awareness and drive conversions from people in Australia and researching from abroad
  • Use Google Ad Grants to its full potential, using the budget allowance in the best way and to the fullest extent
  • Ensure Google Ad Grants account remains compliant with Google’s performance requirements, to prevent suspension

The Strategy:

Research, build the Ecosystem, Enhance performance and plan for the Future

Google Ad Grants is a fantastic scheme that Google provide to charities and nonprofit organisations throughout Australia and worldwide. However, there are specific limitations and restrictions which can make achieving the right results very difficult. This means that a different approach is required for these specific types of organisations, their individual goals and the Ad Grants account structure. Reef approached this challenge using a structured methodology:

  • Analyse current performance data sources to understand which parts of the account were working well, to what extent, and why
  • Identify problem areas and prioritise opportunities
  • Create and phase in a new account structure, campaign by campaign, with:
    • Compelling clickable and up-to-date ads
    • Refreshed keywords and match types
    • Smarter targeting options
    • Easier to adjust and allocate budgets, and
    • Revised bidding strategies

In addition, Reef also:

  • Upgraded goal measurements and key performance indicators
  • Enhanced reporting clarity and detail

Key Result:

Conversion value up by 55.8%

Digital advertising continues to be a dominant traffic and conversion driver for the organisation, reaching people who are researching here in Australia and globally.

  • Increased the total value of conversions by 55.8%
  • Lifted clicks by 10.7%
  • Raised click-through-rate by 4.8%

Due to changes in rules, NfP advertisers are no longer able to access the same Google privileges that Opera Australia has. This is a competitive advantage for Opera Australia, who are able to retain their heightened spend allowance due to the account being held in high-regard by Google and therefore not subject to recent changes.

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